To Finland for a Janita & Jaakko seminar

I had been looking forward to a trip to Slovenia for Silvia Trkman’s Lolabuland Camp but unfortunately the camp was planned very late in April wherefore I would miss out two of the EO and Nordic Championship’s tryouts. It was a very hard decision but I decided to stay home and try make it to the EO. I had some vacation days left (which must be spent before 1st of May), and I succeeded in convincing Mette to join me for a trip to Finland to be trained by Janita & Jaakko 😀

This time we “only” had 5 training sessions. But that was actually just the right number of sessions. Both Sookie and Vini give themselves 110 percent when training wherefore they need a long rest to gain new energy after each training session. Vini was so tired after the last session – she had also been playing with Elina’s dogs in the mornings and playing with Elina’s puppy in the evenings – wherefore good that she wasn’t to train more. Sookie was tired too but not to the same extent.

In the first three sessions we were training together with Elicia and Bill from the US and Anna from Poland – that was great, as we all was discussing how to handle the courses and really great to get others input as well 🙂

I don’t have any video from the training. It’s impossible to set up a videocamera on a tripod and capture the whole course. But I would really have wished I had brought the videocamera when we went through the 30 ways of handling an obstacle. OMG, that was sooo hard – some of the handling techniques I mastered but some I need to practice much more – much more – especially without the dogs, as I need to be aware of where I place myself, my arms, my feet and my gaze 😉

We ran some challenging courses – I love challenging courses 🙂 I could really see that we had improved since last year’s seminar. Sookie is so fun to run with – she is so fast but yet easy to handle when I get to be at the right places and signaling the right handling – yes, you guessed right, it doesn’t happen that often – yet 😉 Vini did so great, she is much faster now and still no stress, I’m so pleased with her. She can run the challenging courses with high speed 😀

It was a really great trip – with great company! My sprained ankle is still causing me some problems but I could yet run though not in full speed – but optimizing my footwork helped a lot in order for me to move faster around the courses 😉 Both Janita and Jaakko are very patient with me and I have again learned so much! I also got to meet Elina and her very nice dogs, so great that dogs just meet and starts playing! We all had a great time and believe Vini is looking forward to our next trip to Finland to train agility and meet her new friends again 😀

Bye bye Finland - hope to visit you soon again :-)

Bye bye Finland – hope to visit you soon again :-)