Dansk version nedenfor.
Mette and Channie had arranged a trip to Finland to train with Janita and Jaakko and I was fortunate enough to join them 🙂 We drove through Sweden – a 6-7 hours drive – and took the ferry from Stockholm to Turku – and from Turku it was about a ½ hours drive to the destination. The accommodation and surroundings were very fine – great places to walk the dogs.
I had decided to run with both Sookie and Vini. Vini is still pretty new and doesn’t know a lot of the advanced handling yet but thought we could learn how Janita & Jaakko starts up a young dog.
The training was so great – I really learned a lot!! If I am to describe myself before the seminar then I was a non-trusting-obstacle-focused-handler – this is now changed 🙂 I found out that both Vini and Sookie are “trustworthy” and as they are obstacle focused I can focus on the handling instead 😀
We had some great laughs – I am not familiar with the terminology and don’t know what the different handling styles are called. So at a point Jaakko told me to do a spin – which I thought was running around in a circle (to call Sookie away from the tunnel) but that wasn’t what he meant and when I realised that it was just so hilarious 🙂 Another time I was constantly looking for a jump and when Janita asked why I answered that I needed to orientate – her comment was: well, I haven’t moved the jump since last time you looked 😀
As said, I learned so much and there is so much to remember! Not sure when I manage to get rid of all the old habits but hopefully soon as I really can see and feel the difference when trusting the dogs and not being focused on the obstacles.
Here’s a short video from our training:
It started snowing Thursday and when walking the dogs Friday morning they got so excited about the snow and started playing – I was watching them for a while before I filmed them:
It kept snowing Friday and I was happy that there was only ½ an hour’s drive to the ferry:
A big thank you to Channie, Mette, Janita & Jaakko for the time I had in Finland 🙂
-::- -::- -::- Dansk version -::- -::- -::-
Mette og  Channie havde arrangeret en tur til Finland for at træne hos Janita & Jaakko og jeg var sÃ¥ heldig at kunne tage med 🙂 Vi kørte til Stockholm og det tog 6-7 timer, hvorefter vi tog nat-færgen til Turku. Fra Turku var der en halv times kørsel til destination. Vi boede et godt sted, hvor vi havde et værelse og deltes om køkken og bad – og luftemulighederne var gode.
Jeg havde besluttet at løbe med både Sookie og Vini. Vini har dog ikke været præsenteret for noget avanceret handling endnu, men tænkte, at jeg kunne lære meget fra Janita & Jaakko om, hvordan de starter unge hunde op.
Træningen var fantastisk god – jeg lærte virkelig en masse!! Hvis jeg skal beskrive mig selv før kurset, sÃ¥ var jeg en ikke-stolende-forhindrings-orienteret handler – det er nu ret sÃ¥ anderledes 😀 Jeg fandt selvfølgelig ud af, at jeg kunne stole pÃ¥ bÃ¥de Sookie og Vini og at de er fokuseret pÃ¥ forhindringerne sÃ¥ jeg kan fokusere pÃ¥ handlingen i stedet 😉
Jeg er ikke lige inde i, hvad de forskellige handlings-teknikker hedder, og det udartede sig i nogle sjove episoder – Jaakko bad mig pÃ¥ et tidspunkt at lave et spin, hvilket jeg troede var at løbe rundt i en cirkel (for at fÃ¥ Sookie’s fokus væk fra tunnellen) – men da det gik op for mig, at det ikke var det han mente, kunne jeg bare ikke lade være med at grine højlydt 😀
Som sagt, lærte jeg en masse. Nu hÃ¥ber jeg bare, at det er muligt for mig, at komme af med de mange vaner jeg har og kan gøre brug af alt det, jeg har lært – jeg kan tydeligt mærke en forskel pÃ¥, om jeg handler som jeg plejer eller som jeg lige har lært!
Her er en kort video fra vores træning:
Det startede med at sne om torsdagen og fredag morgen pÃ¥ gÃ¥turen, tændte hundene helt af – der skulle bare leges! Jeg optog først legen efter et stykke tid, hvor den værste energi var dampet af:
Det sneede hele fredag og jeg blev glad for, at der kun var en halv times kørsel til færgen:

Køretur i Finland
Et kæmpe tak til Channie, Mette, Janita og Jaakko for en helt fantastisk tur til Finland 😀
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