I love snow – and so do my dogs! Winter is so dark but snow lits up and dogs don’t get dirty so that’s why I love snow though driving can be a bit challenging. I was out taking some photos of the dogs and on our way we met a neighbor, who has two dogs. The young one, Monty, was so unlucky to break his leg, not only once but twice when he was young – he’s about a month younger than Vini. Fortunately Monty is all fine again and both Sookie and Vini enjoys playing with Monty 🙂
I love snow photos – there are so much motion in those photos! I took some more photos from the park and both Sookie and Vini had fun playing with their ball – need not say more, just enjoy the photos 😀
- Sookie and Monty playing
- Sookie and Monty playing
- Sookie and Monty playing
- Find Monty!! Vini and Monty playing
- Sookie – boing boing :-)
- Vini and Sookie
- Sookie
- Vini and Sookie
- Vini and Sookie
- Vini and Sookie
- Vini and Sookie
- Vini and Sookie
- Vini
- Vini
- Vini and Sookie – my favourite photo
-::- -::- -::- Dansk -::- -::- -::-
Jeg elsker sne – og det samme gør mine hunde! Det er så rart, når der er sne om vinteren, for sneen lyser landskabet op og hundene er rene efter en gåtur 🙂
Jeg var ude at tage nogle billeder, da jeg mødte en nabo og hendes hunde. Monty, som hundene leger med, var så uheldig at brække benet ikke bare en gang, men hele to gange, da han var ung. Han er ca en måned yngre end Vini. Begge hunde synes det er sjovt at lege med Monty.
Jeg synes sne-billeder er helt fantastiske, der er så meget “bevægelse” i disse billeder. Vi var også i parken, hvor hundene legede med deres bold – behøver ikke at fortælle, hvor sjovt de havde det – nyd bare billederne selv 😀
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