I wasn’t sure if I would go to the Border Collie Classics (BCC) in the Netherlands as Vini was just mated and I had just taken over my new house. But I decided to go anyway and in worse case only run Sookie. Anyway, this would be Vini’s last competition this year due to expecting puppies (hopefully).
But truly glad I did – the organisation was really great! Great venue, great turf, great obstacles, great courses and great company – what’s not to like 😀
I had some really great runs with both dogs 😀 And I only messed a single run But Sookie was struggling a bit with the heat as she was in full coat – had it been earlier in the season, I would have cut/shaved her. So her times were not that good – but she did a really good job anyway ❤️
We were staying at a fun hotel, there were no room for Vini in the bed so the princess got to sleep in the chair instead (reason for why I always bring blankets with me) and Sookie was studying the signs 😀
We were to run the national team finals – okay, we were only two people from Denmark running three dogs, but anyway 😉 But it meant that I had only one dog in between before running with the next 😮 Vini was too tired, so she got sucked into a tunnel and Sookie was also tired and had a fault on the weave entrance – a lot of dogs showed to get fault here, which was a bit surprising..
Weather was great so we got to watch the finals in sunshine 🙂

Vini at the BCC
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